Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Piano music box (music: Laputa Castle in the Sky ) 

Eiffel Tower music box (music: Spirited away)
埃菲尔铁塔音乐盒 (音乐:千与千寻)
Sold out, please email or Facebook PM for pre-order

Phonograph music box (music: Laputa castle in the sky)
留声机音乐盒 (音乐:天空之城)

Piano music box (music: Laputa Castle in the Sky / Spirited away)
三角琴音乐盒 (音乐:天空之城、千与千寻
Sold out, please email or Facebook PM for pre-order

Love shape music box (music: Laputa Castle in the Sky )
心形音乐盒 (音乐: 天空之城)

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